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CareFree QA System

Quality Assurance in CareFree allows you to setup items which need to be monitored and tracked. For instance it might be that you want to use the system to keep track of the number of spot-checks you have carried out for a particular carer and more importantly when the next one is due.

There are many types of QA's, the general rule of thumb is that if you need to track and raise future events, then the CareFree QA system is the tool you need to use.

Before using the QA tool to add items to clients or carers, its a good idea to check the setup of your system.

Using the items screen from the top menu:

Navigate to the QA Months:

Make sure that every month is selected on this list for both clients and carers. If not use the Edit button at the bottom then tick the missing months to make the change.

Whilst still in Item's navigate to QA Types:

You will notice in QA Types that there are lots of items which have been setup for you. Its really easy to add new ones, just press the New button at the bottom of the screen to do this.

Name:This field is where you will enter the name of the QA item e.g Spot-check.

Type:Specify either clients, carers or both so that the system knows who the QA's apply to.

Intervention:This is the total weeks/months before the QA repeats, for a spot-check this might be every 3 months for a carer. You can leave the other field blank in this instance, only fill out both if it applied to both client and carer.

Warnings:This field will setup the QA alert time in either weeks or months and then you specify when you want to be alerted, for instance for a spotcheck you might want a weeks notice to start planning the rota availability for a supervisor/manager.

QA Warnings are located at the bottom of the screen:

You can access the main QA system from the top menu bar:

This will open the main QA screen, you will notice the screen is slit between Clients and Carers, these tabs are what you will use swap between the lists.

On the bottom right is the toolbar you'll be using to add QA items to clients or Carers:

Click New

qa.1504875555.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/23 14:24 (external edit)