to view a video explaining how to use the Holiday Pay Calculator
The Holiday Pay Calculator is a function within CareFree which allows you to do the following:
There are conditions with the Holiday Pay Calculator which are hard coded into the system:
1. From CareFree, go to Tools
2. Go to Options and Settings
3. Go to Shared Options
4. Using the menu options to the left, click Employment and Holidays
5. Change the Holiday Calculator option to Holiday calculator V2
6. Change the Holiday Pay Expense Type to Holiday Pay
You can create Holiday Pay as an expense type from the Expense Reasons list in the Items Screen
7. Click OK to save these settings
1. From CareFree, go to Tools
2. Go to Holiday Calculator
Something like the following screen will display.
The next few sections of this training guide will explain how to set up the calculator along with an explanation of each column.
Before using the Holiday Pay Calculator, you must tell the calculator when the carers holiday start year begins. You must also give a date range (period) you want to look at when paying holidays to carers.
1. Select a Start Date and End Date to show what holidays have been taken
2. Select a Holiday Start date - this date is the start of the Holiday year
3. Tick Payments Only to view carers where holidays needs to be paid
This will hide all of the carers where no holidays were taken in the selected period
Carers appearing in Red indicate the Carer has taken holiday and have not been paid for those holidays
Carers appearing in Grey indicate the Carer has taken holiday and have been paid for those holidays
Carers with no colour show there is no action needed to be taken for the selected period
1. Review the information shown on the Holiday Pay Calculator, as explained above. If you see anything is incorrect change necessary parts of CareFree to rectify the information shown (e.g. the Carers start date may be incorrect)
If anything is changed, click Refresh at the bottom of the calculator
2. Tick the Carer(s) who require to be paid for holidays
Holidays are added to CareFree by entering an away period onto the Carers rota, and choosing Holiday as the away reason
3. Click Pay at the bottom of the calculator
4. A prompt will appear asking to confirm holiday payment for the amount of Carers that are selected - click Yes
5. A prompt will appear confirming payments have been added
6. The Carer will then turn grey to indicate they have been paid for their holidays in the selected period
When holiday payments are made from the Holiday Pay Calculator, an expense is added into the Additions and Adjustments showing the Carers holiday pay, along with the amount they will be paid for the holiday.