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Medications & MAR in CareFree

CareFree provides a facility to enter medications into the system. These medications can then be produced on a printable MAR chart (MAR = Medicines Administration Record).

To access the medicines section within CareFree first enter into the clients section:

Using the rotas drop down select medication:

Once you are in the medication screen you need to click on the new item button in the top right hand corner: This will then open the medications add panel, where you can enter the necessary medications needed for the client.

You will then see this screen:

1) This is the name of the medication, medications are added via the Items menu.

2) The time the medication should be taken.

3) The location of where the medications are kept (Free text box)

4) This details the hours in between the doses, generally found on the label of the medication. Again enter this value in the box provided.

5) The dosage, again found of the medication labels, again this is a free text box area.

6) This details other times the medication might be taken

7) The route the medication is given, i.e Orally or Sublingual.

8) Is support required to administer this medication?

9) Options given to add additional details to the medication which is being entered.

10) Free text box for any further details which you feel necessary for the medication to be added.

11) The start and end date of the medication.

medications.1509704267.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/23 14:24 (external edit)