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Maps with pushpins

CareFree provides a mapping utility so that you can quickly see the home locations of both your carers and clients (based of post code). This is a very useful utility in helping decide the closest carer to a particular client. It might be used if a regular carer cannot make the call, using this tool you can see who is the next closest.

Maps with pushpins will only populate date once post codes have been entered on both the carer and client screens

Accessing Maps with pushpins

From the View toolbar click Maps with pushpins

Using the tool

The tool is very easy to use - use the options at the top to choose the information you want to see. If carers and clients have been placed into companies or branches then make sure you drop down those sections to see relevant client/carer locations. Click refresh to see the changes:

You will then see the map populated with carers and clients. Carers are the blue cars whilst clients are the yellow houses:

No Google Maps API Key

If this is the first time you have used this tool within your organisation you will see this message:

This is because google requires programs which use its data to authorise themselves, whilst it might sound tricky its actually quite simple to do if you follow these steps:

1) Register for a google account, this is free and can be done at . We recommend using a company specific username and keeping the details of this in a safe location.

2) Secondly whilst logged in with your google account visit this website

maps_with_pushpins.1515163519.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/05 15:45 by cfadmin