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Issued Items

CareFree provides a way to track issued items to both your carers and clients.

Some companies will track everything ever supplied i.e rubber gloves, whilst others might only track items which need to be returned like a laptop.

To access the issued items first click on the carer or client buttons from the main menu, we will use the carer panel here (be aware it doesn't matter which way we go, it leads to the same place):

using the rotas drop down menu select Issued Items:

Once in the issued items panel you will see this screen:

1) You have the ability to filter by branch, this can be useful when you are looking for someone specific.

2) You can change between clients and carers, this is why its not important how you access Issues items as they can be added to either section anyway.



issued_items.1509460796.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/23 14:24 (external edit)